Monday, May 2, 2011

Sew far, pretty good

This week I've been obsessed with teaching myself to sew. I accomplished several projects, getting my inspiration from many creative, experienced and talented bloggers.

(1) First project: Update plain white T by adding ruffles 

kind of liked this shirt, but too much ruffle for me

so here's how my ruffled t-shirt turned out (cut up one of the hub's old torn t-shirts for the ruffles...thanks hon...)
used basting stitch to ruffle, then a backstitch to secure the ruffles to the shirt
I found a great tutorial here.

(2) Next project: pillowcase dress

I ran across many tutorials but they were a bit overwhelming and time consuming for the beginning sewer. This video inspired me to give it a shot. I was fortunate to have some beautiful embroidered pillowcases that were handed down to us.

my VERY first pillowcase dress-used an old hospital pillowcase

the review: Such fun projects. One needs to be patient if hand-sewing (like me)....but I felt like I had accomplished something as a newbie sewer! Yay me! ;)

and project coming up.....
another ruffle T-shirt using flour sack towels from Dollar Tree.... Not sure when I'll have the time. But we shall see how that one turns out.... ;)